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General Post Office

Location: Central
Category: Govermental

Architect: K. M. Tseng, Hong Kong Public Works Department
Project year: 1976

Overshadowed by towering skyscrapers and beautiful colonial structures, Central Post Office is a seemingly forgettable office building.  The modernist building was built in 1976 by local architect K.M. Tseng.  K.M. Tseng worked for the Architectural Services Department and was in charge of designing multiple government buildings around Hong Kong, including the Queensway Government Offices. The post office is strategically located by the former waterfront of the Victoria Harbour. The basement of the building was built as a sheltered berth for mail ships.  Walking inside the building, you may notice the tiny holes on both sides of the floors.  These tiny holes are installed as a part of the now-defunct central vacuum system. It was the first central vacuum system in Hong Kong and is a thoughtful design rarely seen around public buildings in Hong Kong nowadays. Dust and dirt particles through this hole will be collected through tubes installed inside the walls. The exterior of the building is divided into different sections visually. The different sizes and alignments of the windows create a subtle yet lively pattern. The design is mostly for functional purpose. For examples, the floors dedicated to machineries will be windowless while the floors for office buildings will have a smaller rectangular windows. Scheduled to be demolished to make way for more office buildings, Central Post Office is a text-book example of modernist architecture ethos “form follows function” documenting an era of the city.  

被高聳的摩天大樓和美麗的殖民建築所包圍,中央郵局是一座看似容易被遺忘的辦公大樓。 建於1976年,這幢摩登主義建築由當香港建築師曾廣敏設計,曾廣敏當時在政府建築署工作,負責不少香港政府大樓的設計,包括現在還在的金鐘道政府合署。 郵局位於維多利亞港前海濱的位置,方便當時主要的船運郵件服務,該建築物的地下室本來是郵船的停泊上落貨位。 走進建築物內部,您可能會留意到地板兩側平均分佈著的小洞。這些小孔其實是中央吸塵系統的一部分,灰塵和污垢顆粒可以通過小孔送到安裝在牆壁內的管道進行收集。現在系統已經被廢用了,但當年,它是全港第一個中央吸塵系統,也是在香港其它公共建築很少見到的設計。 建築物的外牆在視覺上分為不同的部分,窗戶的不同尺寸和位置形成了一種微妙而生動的圖案,像其它摩登建築,設計著主重於功能性,例如,專放機器的樓層是無窗的,而辦公室的樓層則具有較小的長方形窗口。 香港中央郵局是摩登主義建築風格的一個教科書範例,實現了摩登主義「形式追隨功能」的理念。 政府現計劃把中央郵局拆除,為興建更多的辦公室讓路。 

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